Aug 12, 2009

Fetishcon Day 1

The time finally came. After weeks of planning and worrying and spending and getting my shit together I finally was on the road to Tampa for Fetishcon 09. The week leading up to it was painful in many ways as my wife was unable to attend due to unforseen but very happy circumstances. I led to lots of soul searching as to if I even wanted to go. The flop and flip in my mind was constant with my desire to be with Koan far outweighed my desire to go to Fetishcon but she insisted that I go. For her it was very difficult as well - wanting to be there, wanting to take the road trip down with me and LC and Cyndie and Lady J. In the end she decided she was not up to it and I found a new co pilot for the trip. I was lucky I guess to find Summer Siren on short notice. Up until the last moment I had hoped to figure out a way for Koan to come...Sadness.

The road was a two car caravan with myself and LC doing the driving from NJ down to Savannah GA. for day one...
I managed a couple of images with Summer that I think are pretty cool...after 12 hrs/800ish miles of drving shooting was not a top priority. We were foiled in an attempt to capture a scene of a bound Summer in front of a GIANT COW on the Atlantic Coastal Hwy by over zealous security

More notes from the trip to follow