Nov 29, 2008

No doubt I've been lazy updating my site Stark-Arts
but that doesn't mean I haven't been trying. Despite some personal issues and camera issues I've still maintained a trickly of output and found some older images that hadn't yet seen the light of day and this day I bring you the biggest update fact the only update ever.
Also (and they say the third time is the charm) I am going to rededicate myself to putting something up on this blog each day...
Sometimes a (hopefully witty) anecdote, sometimes an image, sometimes just some made up story that I think about when I'm loving myself...

thanks to all of you for your support and comments at my various site and places where I post work...

In the near future I'm also going to try to figure a way to make my work available to you in limited edition signed and framed prints...I had a much better go of it at the erotic flea market that I sold some of my images at and that has led me to believe that maybe someone out there actually likes my work...