A long time ago I was just a guy trying to learn how to take pics with studio lights in my apartment. I didn't have a site. I didn't have any serious gear. But I had a desire to learn. I stared with a craigslist ad looking for models willing to shoot tfp. One of the very first to respond was Mitsu. She hadn't done a ton of modeling and I hadn't done a ton of shooting. We produced some nice images like the ones below. These images were some of the ones that contributed to the creation of Stark-Arts. I had no idea really how to light. I was using strobes rather than the speedlites that I use almost exclusively today (which allowed me to escape the studio)
Fast forward 6 years or so and Mitsu and me reconnect and do a new shoot. In the meantime I've learned to tie, learned to shoot images that were not so "stark" and Mitsu somehow became more beautiful. You'll see quite a few posts with this exquisite (and super freaking cool) woman this week and in coming weeks and hopefully I'll find her in front of my lens again in less than 6 years.